Throw It Away


Are you carrying the weight of something you haven't shared with others in your heart? Is it creating a war inside of yourself? Too many of us do this every day. We are often told to suck it up, don't bother others with our problems, or that they aren't valid. If you're like me, you may have never had anyone say these things to you, but you look at everyone around you and tell it to yourself. I am a talker, an open book. I am not shy. However, I don't typically tell everyone my issues. I would bet most don't even know my struggles. I have a symbolic "bottle" that I add to each time I am overwhelmed, hurt, confused, etc. Like any container, it can only hold so much before breaking. I think you see where I am going with this. At some point, I have to let it all out. In the past, it was by having a breakdown. I would cry all day and be pretty worthless to society while I tried putting the pieces back together. Thankfully in my case, it usually only took me a few hours to a couple of days in an extreme situation, then my "bottle" was empty, and I started the process all over again.

I don't think you need me to tell you this isn't a healthy way of handling your stress.

There are so many options for "releasing stress." I've read some and can instantly tell you; it's not for me, and I've given a good number of stress relievers a try. Some were the world's way of handling stress, which ultimately creates more stress, even if it's fun for the moment.

There are some great ways to release stress; here are just a few.




Listening to calming music

Participating in a favorite hobby

Drinking a glass of wine

I learned years ago one that worked great for me — writing a letter. To who, you might ask? At first, I wrote it to no one. Of course, I usually had someone in mind when writing the letter, but it was an excellent way to say what I was bottling up inside without hurting anyone else, including myself.

Often I find, "Not everything thought is worth saying, and not everything worth saying is thought."

We are humans, imperfect, and act on impulse and emotions more than we should. Instead, we should give our hurts, cares, anger, and anything else we carry to God. He not only says we can, but He sincerely wants us to come to Him and lay everything at His feet.

So, why don't we? Have you been taught you're bothering God or that your problems aren't big enough and he has more important things to attend to? I have often felt this way myself. I'll even go a step further and be honest in that I didn't feel I had a right to talk to God. After all, I wasn't living a "wholesome" life. I wasn't in church, and I wasn't reading the bible. Instead, I ran away from God as far and as fast as possible. Thankfully we can't run from Him. He is always there. He is waiting for you with open arms, saying, "Come home. I love and miss you!"

I started writing to God. I still wasn't sure I had a right to, but I knew he "read" my letters. God will meet you where you're at, and you don't have to do things perfectly. When I returned to God, it wasn't always easy for me to talk to Him. I didn't know what to say or how to approach Him, but when I would write letters, my words flowed freely.

Writing is so freeing, and you don't have to have perfect grammar and punctuation. You will not be graded; you will only be loved! When you are finished writing your letter, be it on paper, as an email, or a digital notepad, delete it! You've poured your heart into this letter. Your hurt, fears, failures, etc., are now in that letter. Delete it if it's digital. Tear it up or burn it (safely) if it's on paper. The freedom it brings is amazing! You have given it to God, and it is off your chest and at His feet; by destroying the letter, you are leaving it with God. You can't pick it back up. It's now His!

Matthew 6:26 - Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow, reap, or store away in barns, yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?

Philippians 4:6-7 - Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which passes all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.

God will leave the 99 to find the 1 who has strayed. The song Reckless Love explains this better than I can - Listen here.




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