Level Up


Have you ever been frustrated with the people in your life? Perhaps you've thought about walking away even. 

There are times in life that warrant walking away from people and situations. You can view my post about this here. However, I imagine most relationships don't warrant walking away. 

Instead, maybe they require you to give less of your time and attention but still be available and loving. 

There comes a time when you desire a higher level of people in your life. Does this mean you look down on others and consider yourself better? Absolutely not. It merely means you've recognized a level of growth in yourself that requires you to go to the next level. When this happens, you want those around you to edify (Instruct or improve you morally or intellectually. Guide.) and speak life into you. You want friends and business connections that will bring you up to a new level, not people who will keep you where you're at or drag you down. 

The best and most relatable example of this is your favorite video game. In every game, you're given a list of tasks to complete to go to the next level. Each level gets a little more complicated and more complex. Each time you've accomplished your goals, you level up. 

Life is no different. Some people will level up with you. However, you can't be afraid of growth if they don't. Success is often lonely in the beginning as you conquer the giants in front of you. Maybe the giants you're facing are critical family members or friends, your thoughts, limits you've put on yourself, financial obligations, timelines, continuing education, or any number of other things. 

Stand firm! Keep your goals in front of you; they will remind you daily why you are pushing ahead. 

Dave Ramsey says, "Live like no one else now, so you can live like no one else later." He means this regarding finances, but also knows this applies to all areas of your life.

If your needs are met, you will have more time to do the things you enjoy and have worked hard to achieve. 

Maybe the investment is your time, which requires fewer social interactions and more focus on your business, work, school, or walk with God. But, on the other hand, perhaps it's financial and takes you saying no to the things you love, like dining out, impulse purchases, and even vacations.  

Whatever change you make now will positively affect your future. 

Don't be afraid of what you may have to sacrifice now. The reward will be greater than you can imagine! Discipline is critical in life. If you learn discipline, you will have a much more successful experience. 

Set goals, follow a routine, be flexible (when needed), be disciplined, set boundaries, and watch your life go places you never thought were possible! For with God, ALL things are possible! 

Proverbs 12:1 - Whoever loves discipline loves knowledge, but whoever hates correction is foolish. 

1 Corinthians 13:11 - When I was a child, I spoke and thought and reasoned like a child. But when I grew up, I put away childish things.

Proverbs 13:20 - Walk with the wise and become wise, for a companion of fools suffers harm. 


Throw It Away


True Surrender