True Surrender


I've heard many people talk about fully surrendering your heart and self to God. There have been many times I've told myself I have surrendered, but knowing in the darkest depths of my heart, I was still holding on to something or even someone. I wasn't ready to give myself entirely. Why? Honestly, for me, it was selfishness. I still wanted to live, talk, and behave in a way that wasn't pleasing to God. I knew I would have to let go of my former self and the life I was used to — all the while asking God for better.

I hadn't truly and fully surrendered myself. For some, this happens in steps, just like it did for me. But, little by little, I let God have more of me, and I stopped trying to be in control.

I believe for others; it happens in an instant. They are ready to submit to God and let Him have complete control of their lives.

Is one better than the other? No, because God meets us where we're at. He loves us in every moment and wants the best for us. He created you and knew every decision you will make and every trial you will face.

Tonight, I experienced complete surrender, and it was beautiful. I no longer desired the old but gladly welcomed the new life God has waiting for me.

I experienced God in a new way and felt His presence like never before. I felt His love for ME! The burdens and cares I once carried melted away as I surrendered myself to Him fully.

If you're anything like me, you may ask yourself, "What does it truly mean to surrender yourself?"

The dictionary describes surrendering as follows.

Cease resistance 

Submit authority 

Give oneself up 

Back down 


Once again, if you're like me, you like being in control. You don't back down easily and submitting to authority isn't at the top of your "To-Do List." It can be hard to let go and give everything to God, but when you do, you will ask yourself why it took you so long.

There is such freedom in letting go. I didn't hold on to anything from my past. There was never a moment I felt I was losing anything of value. On the contrary, I understood all I was gaining by releasing my burdens at that moment, and I crumbled before God in complete surrender. I wept with strangers surrounding me, and I felt at total peace. This moment was between God and me. Never once did I wonder what anyone was thinking. I was in complete seclusion with my Saviour in a room full of others. I was safe, and I let go. His presence filled my soul, and I could feel Him healing the emotional hurts I had carried far too long.

If you asked me, I couldn't tell you what He specifically removed from my heart. Instead, his love encompassed me, and I felt free, grateful, and sat in awe at His grace and mercy.

Do you have burdens you need to lay at Jesus' feet? Are you fighting yourself by not surrendering to God?

I encourage you right where you are to decide to Let Go and Let God. He wants to take your care, hurts, burdens, and habits. He loves YOU! You are HIS child, and he wants only the best for you. So let him wrap his arms around you. He is PROUD OF YOU! Yes, YOU!

Job 11:13-15 - Surrender your heart to God, turn to Him in prayer, and give up your sins - even those you do in secret. Then you will not be ashamed; you will be confident and fearless. 

1 Peter 5:7 - Cast all your cares on Him, for He cares for you. 

Psalms 55:22 - Cast your cares on the LORD, and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous be shaken.


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If only life was as easy as losing your patience