You are Worthy!


Being a life coach, mentor, counselor, etc., may seem like we have it all figured out. We've "arrived" and don't struggle. However, that couldn't be further from the truth.

I chose to be a life coach because of everything I have been through and experienced in life. I want to help others grow and heal.

I'm not where I used to be, far from it. However, I am not where I want to be… YET!

Keyword: YET. It means I am still working daily to grow, heal, change my mindset, and be more open and understanding. There will ALWAYS be something new to learn. Perhaps it's a new perspective. Always be willing to listen with the intent to understand, not reply.

I pride myself on being transparent and using integrity.

So today, I want to share with you that I am struggling.

Sometimes what's best for us hurts at the moment. It's often hard to see that letting go, moving forward, saying goodbye, or simply enforcing your boundaries will bring significant growth and healing.

We are a society accustomed to instant gratification. So, we want what we want NOW! It feels good NOW, but how will it feel later? Is what you want NOW going to benefit you and bring you closer to your goals? Or is what you want NOW actually going to hold you back?

Sometimes we have to meet people where they're at and leave them there. It may sound harsh, but Always walk in love! Always be kind!

However, don't drop your boundaries! Don't lose sight of your worth and all you have to offer.

You're amazing! You're worthy! You're loved!

I am a single mom. I have been for some time. So, I KNOW my worth and what I bring to the table.

However, I still struggle at times. The thoughts come like a barrage of fiery darts.

You're not good enough

You're not pretty enough

You're not smart enough

You're not skinny enough

You're not worthy enough

You're not rich enough

You're not a good mom

Why do you set boundaries?

Take what you can get!

When this happens, it's easy to dwell on these thoughts. It's easy to believe it. It is easy to slip into depression and accept these thoughts are true.

They are NOT true! THEY ARE ALL LIES!

When those thoughts start, say, "No! I refuse to believe these lies!"

Fight it with positive affirmations. If you believe lies, why can't you believe the truth?

It can be challenging at first. When I started practicing positive affirmations, I would cry. It hurt so deeply to say to myself, "you are worthy," you are enough," you are beautiful" I felt like I was lying to myself. It was uncomfortable, but I didn't stop. I kept saying these affirmations over and over. First thing in the morning, before I went to bed, any time I felt the negative thoughts creeping in.

You know what? After a while, those negative thoughts aren't as frequent. They're not as intense. They don't hold the "truth" you once thought they did.

It becomes easier to say…

I am worthy!

I am beautiful!

I am wealthy!

I love myself!

I am positive!

Each time you say this, you are rewiring your brain. You are teaching your brain what to believe. You are in control. Your emotions no longer control you.

Know your worth. Know what you want. Set boundaries. When someone tries to tell you otherwise, walk away.

Your peace is worth more than instant gratification from a love interest.

You're worth more than being someone's sometimes.

You're worth the promotion.

You're worth the raise.

You are worth the wait!

Don't settle. In those times you are struggling, don't justify the choice by saying,

It's just a little fun.

I'll do better tomorrow.

It won't hurt anything.

You are compromising your boundaries and worth.

Stay strong. Give yourself grace. When you make mistakes, forgive yourself quickly AND learn. Move forward. Live your life.



