Sometimes people make choices that force you to walk away


You can NOT feel guilty and fall into the trap of others' self-pity when you choose to walk away from someone who no longer adds positivity to your life. But does that mean you walk away from someone who has had a bad day and offer no support? Of course not!

Here is a personal experience that made me say no more.

I had a friend who consistently asked for my help but refused to help themselves. I went above and beyond (to the point of enabling them) because I thought I was "helping." When I realized (after a year!) that said person had no intention of changing their situation, I said no more and put boundaries in place. I offered to take my friend to a local rehab facility and clarified my boundaries with them; it was not the "help" my friend was looking for and felt I had turned my back on them in their darkest hour. At first, it was difficult for me. I thought I wasn't helping enough because I said no to outlandish requests I once said yes to.

It is often uncomfortable when you start setting boundaries to better care for your peace. Friends and family may not understand and feel hurt. You can still walk in love towards these people, but you don't have to accept their behavior.

Surround yourself with like-minded individuals who are seeking to grow and develop daily. Don't look down on those who are not yet ready to change their lives. Instead, pray for them, and help if and where you can, but remember it is their responsibility to improve their lives, not yours.

Proverbs 27:17 - As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.

1 Corinthians 15:33 - Do not be misled. Bad company corrupts good character.


What are you afraid of?


Every Summer has a Story