January-February 2022


2022 started with me stepping so far outside my comfort zone (which takes a lot) that I sought ways to avoid what God was doing for me.

I was introduced to a new opportunity with a health and wellness company in January. I had said no to the chance many times and finally said yes because I wanted to stop being bothered!

In this, God showed me a new level of people, particularly women - who were on a different frequency - a higher vibration. So, for example, women who weren't catty didn't like gossip or stab each other in the back.

I can honestly say I didn't know there were women like this. For most of my life, I had all male friends to avoid the drama and hatefulness I knew women to be.

The gift God gave me by introducing me to this new level and quality of people is one I will always cherish. I had been praying and asking God to bring me my "tribe," my "people." I asked for a group I wouldn't always outgrow, one I could grow with and have all levels of individuals. He gave me this and so much more, but more on that later.

Less than a month into this new venture, I was told there was a team meeting in Dallas from February 17th-19th. It was put together to encourage the team and allow many to meet face-to-face.

This is what I wanted to avoid. It was so outside my comfort zone to leave my home and go to a new (to me) city without knowing anyone! I just brushed it off because I had no money for a hotel, rental car, or food while I was there. So, I said, "God, if you want this to happen, you'll supply what I need." I found out about this trip about February 11th; the Friday before, I would need to leave on the trip.

Come Monday; I already have a hotel room - someone booked it for me for the weekend.

I said, "ok, God, if this is you, I still need a car and money."

Then I got the call that someone would cover my rental car if I could find a good deal. So, naturally, I found an excellent deal, so I booked the car.

Now I am getting a little excited and nervous. Again, I told God, "If this is you, I'll know when you supply money for the trip."

I want to point out something for a moment. I was NOT living a Godly life at this time. I was struggling with distractions and messing with a guy who couldn't have been more wrong for me.


He knew my heart, the plans He had for me, and the choices I would make before I ever did. Even in the moments I knew better, God was there. He used the guy as a massive life lesson for me. I learned much about myself, what I deserved, not to listen to certain people, being more sensitive to the spirit, and so much more.

God was in the middle of my mess and never stopped loving or believing in me. That is grace! It changed everything when I realized that.

Back to the story - I'm sure I don't have to tell you that God supplied the money for me to go, but He did! So here I am in less than a week with a paid hotel room, a nice rental car (the one I had asked for, no less), and the money to comfortably take this trip.

Even with everything supplied, I had some challenges. For example, when I picked up my rental car (the one I asked God for), I realized the catalytic converters had been cut off the vehicle. The representative could have been more kind and helpful. They replaced my car with a downgraded little dirty jeep with a chipped windshield and acted as if they were doing me a favor. I asked if they could contact another location to see if I could get a different car for the trip. They said, "No, but you can. We suggest going to the airport."

The airport was the last place I wanted to deal with. I drove the rental they gave me to the airport and explained the situation. Not only did they upgrade me from my original - I got the exact color, model, year, etc., of the vehicle I wanted. Now you may wonder what the car is and why I wanted to rent one. I had been talking to God about a new car. I wanted to rent a vehicle before buying it this time. My heart was set on a new Toyota 4Runner. Everything about it seemed so perfect! I am grateful God allowed me to have this car as my rental. It was a fantastic car, but I quickly realized it was not suitable for me.

After the vehicle fiasco, I am finally on the road headed to Dallas. I am excited and very nervous. I blared my music and sang out loud the whole trip! To the point I almost lost my voice.

Next, I find myself at the wrong hotel for check-in! Thankfully I had left early to allow for any issues. I was about 20 minutes from my hotel in 5:00 Dallas traffic. I went to my hotel, ran inside, dropped off my items, freshened up, and busted it to the weekend's first event.

God is so good. It worked out that a good friend I met in Tulsa was actually from Dallas and was in town that weekend. I met his wife and invited them to our first event, helping me feel more relaxed.

The following day (Saturday), we gathered at the house of one of the team members who were kind enough to open her home to many, including strangers.

The day was full of events - the first of which was almost like a church service for me. God had called me out and put me in place to show me what was to come. I was overwhelmed with His goodness. It took everything in me not to cry.

Then I get a call. It was my best friend growing up. I hadn't seen him in many years. He was now living in the Dallas area and could come to see me. Cue the waterworks.

Our group finished and went to lunch. I was seated with two lovely ladies, from various walks of life and at different phases in their journey. Each would speak life into me that day! But, again, God knew who and what I needed.

Jenell Kelly was one of the ladies. As we ate, she asked me, "So what is it you do?" I began to share that I was getting my business together and then said, "I just want it to be perfect." The moment I said that it clicked, and inside I cringed. Before I could correct what I said, Jenell Kelly looked me straight in the face and, with such boldness, said, "Quit that shit now! It will never be perfect. Just start and fix it as you go!" It was exactly what I needed to hear! I said, "You're right. When I get home, I will get this business started! No more excuses."

We continued with our day, and my best friend came to see me! It was a moment of healing and closure I didn't know I needed. I instantly sobbed when I saw him. He didn't understand but gave me the biggest hug and let me get the emotions out.

We finished our next event, and then I realized I'd run into an issue. The hotel booked for me had only been booked for one night, and I needed a place to go between events (we had about 3 hours until the next event.) Another lady who had traveled to Dallas only for the day also needed a place to go.

But God

We chatted and decided to find a place to relax and talk until the next event. Suzie was the second lady sitting at lunch that day.

God led us to a wine bar that was precisely the atmosphere and comfort we needed. So we kicked back and let God lead the conversation.

Suzie and I knew nothing about each other. We had met earlier that day and had lunch together, but God knew what He was doing.

We found ourselves pouring our hearts out and sharing stories we hadn't shared with anyone else. We became a safe space for each other. It was this moment that started my journey of telling my story.

We finished our weekend at a dinner party that evening. God provided a hotel room near my Aunt, who I planned to see before leaving town the following day.

I visited with my Aunt and hit the road. At this point, I was so overstimulated and exhausted from the weekend and all it held.

I shut the music off, put the car on cruise control, and enjoyed the peace.

In the quiet, God spoke to me. He shared so much with me that I recorded notes as I drove home. He showed me the importance of getting quiet and letting Him speak.

We often stay so busy and have music, tv, etc., always going on that we don't allow God the opportunity to fellowship with us.

The weekend was one, if not the most critical times of my life. I am forever grateful for listening to God and trusting Him to provide.

I wrote, "This weekend was nothing short of God opening doors and connecting me to a path he has set before me. I met incredible people. I was loved on, poured into, edified, and given more direction and clarity regarding my next steps.

God has so clearly spoken to me this weekend, and as always, it was perfect timing. It was HIS timing.

Not only did I learn and grow in my new endeavor, but this weekend was a tremendous time of personal growth and healing.

God revealed so much to me because I allowed myself to be quiet and listen.

I now understand my focus and how it aligns with my passions.

I am so excited about the future, and even though there will always be challenges, I know I have a fantastic support system, and above all, God is backing me up.

This is just the beginning, and I am beyond grateful for the people God has chosen for me to start this next chapter in my life!"

I drove home Sunday, February 20th, with Jenell's words burning in my mind. I said there would be no more excuses with my business, and I meant it. So on Monday, February 21st, I took my last test to be certified to run my business legally! I was so nervous about this test that I procrastinated, and I put off this test as long as I could. One test kept me from starting my business because, "what if I failed?" or more accurately, "what if I passed?" I was terrified of success. Could I handle it? What would people expect of me? Would I let them down?

I am proud to say I passed the test with flying colors! Now the work started. I had a laundry list of things to do to officially open my business and serve clients.

Look for March/April blog to learn more about my journey through 2022.


Time to get Away

